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Success is like four blind men encountering an elephant for the first time. The first one grabs the trunk and feels it. He thinks this must be what an elephant looks like. The second grabs the tusk and thinks that's what an elephant looks like. The third grabs a leg and thinks that's what an elephant looks like. The fourth grabs the tail and thinks that's what an elephant looks like. Each has a piece of the elephant that is unique and different yet they fail to understand the grandiosity of the animal. That is success. Businesses each grab a piece of success and think that's what it is. They repeat the same processes over and over to achieve their results. However, they are unaware of what they can do to see the whole elephant of success.  Emotional Intelligence is the missing link to be able to see the elephant for what it is and understand it.  Let me help you see your elephant.

Business Meeting

Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

Who helps you feed your golden goose?

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Align. Achieve. Grow.

Identify any organizational blind spots



This is a review of the interplay of people and relationships, culture and roles within an organization.  Technical skills and the core competencies of any business are important but what makes you different from your competitors are the relationships within the organization. Emotional, social, and political realities can enhance or degrade what the organization can accomplish. I can build a custom strategy to enhance your strengths and inhibit any blind-spots from holding  company back.

When Turnover Bleeds the Bottom Line


A deficit in your management team's emotional competencies carries a high price--in turnover.  Estimates vary but the real cost to a company from the turnover of an employee is nearly the equivalent of one full year of pay.  These hidden costs come not just from finding and training replacements, but in customer satisfaction and retention, and in lowered efficiency for everyone working with the new hire.

The Missing Priority


The Skills That Matter



No one is guaranteed a job anywhere anymore.  Success takes more than intellectual excellence or technical prowess. Other skills are required just to survive.  To thrive in the increasingly turbulent world of business,  internal qualities such as resilience, initiative, optimism, and adaptability must be developed.  These are the core principles of Emotional Intelligence or EI. I can increase your profit by identifying deficiencies with your managers that are hindering  the maximization of your human assets. By teaching them how to improve their EI, this will eliminate internal obstacles that may be holding your organization back.



Research on decision making in management teams shows that having people who possess the three qualities of high cognitive capabilities, diverse perspectives, and expertise leads to higher-quality decision making.  These qualities can always be improved. A true expert knows that they know very little and must be constantly expanding their knowledge. Does your company put a priority on these capabilities? 

Test Your Organization

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